Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year 2014

First walk of the year for Gilbert and me.  The first excitement was seeing a ‘fish’ swim up the little side river.  I had my D5000 Nikon with the new Nikkor 18-300 mm lens and the new 2x multiplier.  The shutter didn’t work.  I tried every button till miraculously it worked.  There’s a stunning picture of the fish, maybe a steel head trout or an old salmon, hard to tell.  (It’s dead centre in the picture).
Then a mallard appeared followed by a merganser then a bufflehead.  I’m sure about the green headed mallard but the red headed merganser is a question mark simply because I can only find the field guide to wild flowers. I’ve been moving and nothing is where I know it will be one day. So I’m just guessing about the bird names.  There should be a similar ‘guide’ to acquaintances.  That would make life easier.
I met a  northern farmer with a female Gorky named Billy. I'm sure I met him last year. Gilbert and Billy frolicked while the old guys walked and talked about early days in Winnipeg.  Apparently it’s as cold there again as it was when we were growing up there.  Imagine our mothers sending us out as children to school to walk through the freezing winds of Winnipeg tundra. Today we'd be removed, unless that was their hope in those days too.  We’d all be foster children today raised in loving Mexican homes were times different.
I included a picture of Gilbert from a couple of weeks before when the snow was heavy on the ground where we were today. The snow is all but gone now.
Then there’s shots by the SV GIRI from yesterday.   I loaded 6 bags of clothing and stuff in the truck for donation.
Now I ‘ve just chosen to watch Will and Grace over Jerry Springer. I did catch the end of the world being destroyed and the elite getting away on arks Jan 1, 2014 morning movie.  Was that a hopeful harbinger thrown out to the powerful status quo?
Gilbert is cuddling on the couch beside me.  The gift venison is thawing in preparation for becoming chilli in the cuisinart pressure cooker.
I love to start the year with a busy demanding schedule.
I have to fit pool and hot tub, more television, some reading perhaps, and another walk into this day, just to make it complete.
 I’ll read mail, Facebook and twitter. That’s not something I did a decade ago. I actually remember using a phone on the wall to call friends New Years Day. But that was a whole other technology era away.
I've already added prayer and meditation but a wiser man would do more of that while I'm thinking of the chocolate I've surprisingly left over from Christmas.
Happy New Year!
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