Sunday, March 24, 2013

Palm Sunday, 2013

Palm Sunday, Easter Week, St. James Anglican Church. Gilbert and I arrived late because of a flat tire being fixed right now at Speedy Brake and Muffler. Having worked so long with schizophrenics, poets and holy men I can't help but note that lack of air in my tire should indicate need to be at communion with the Holy Spirit.
It was good to be there when we arrived. Gilbert and I so enjoy seeing Alice and others we've come to know in the church.
The choir began a plainsong rendition of the Crucifixion, speaking of Herod and Pontius Pilate, the false accusations, the travesty of justice, and finally the death.

I thought that Barrabas set free by acclamation must have suffered the worse 'survivor's guilt' in history.

The church was almost full for Palm Sunday. Gilbert was fussing some. I loved the ritual though. The words washing over me. I stood and sat and kneeled and even genuflected at one point in the service. Communion was inspiring as always. Then it was over for this week and service to the world begun. I had coffee below where Gilbert was glad to see his canine friends Bear and Dido.
David explain that Dido was named after the Queen of Carthage from Henry Purcell's opera, Dido and Aeneas.
Now we have Easter week ahead with Maundy Thursday, commemorating the Last Supper, followed by Good Friday then Easter Sunday. There are vigils and suppers and various activities at the church this week. Indeed all Christian and Catholic Churches are as busy this week as they are at Christmas.
Some Christians in fact are called C&E Christians because it's their practice to attend church only on these highest of occasions. No one judges them as all are welcome whenever in church but it sure means that the church swells at these times of the year, with often standing room only. It's a good time to arrive early as I'd planned were it not for a flat, resulting in my arriving late as seems my pattern despite best intentions.
Hallelujah! Christ has died. Christ has risen. Christ will come again.

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