Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Thank you for this day, Lord. Thank you for my family. Thank you for my friends. Thank you for my works. Thank you for my pets. Thank you for my health. Thank you for my possessions. Thank you for our relationships. Thank you for books and learning. Thank you for safety. Thank you for my teachers. Thank you for nature. Thank you for communication. Thank you for diversity and similiarities. Thank you for laughter. Thank you for food. Thank you for clean water. Thank you for pine scented air. Thank you for the ocean and the seagulls. Thank you for my boat and land vehicles. Thank you for the movement. Thank you for the sights. Thank you for the sounds. Thank you for the smells. Thank you for technology. Thank you for the natural world. Thank you for the ideas and music. Thank you for poetry and song. Thank you for equations. Thank you for colour. Thank you Lord for all.

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